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A personal report helps us to process what we have learned and to document our progress. Furthermore, in the reflection process of writing one often encounters new insights about oneself and one’s relationship to life and one’s immediate environment. Writing, especially writing by hand, helps to imprint our insights. For example, who has experienced writing a cheat sheet for an exam that in the end was not used at all because you knew all the answers from memory? So writing is a very powerful and valuable tool.

In the following you will find reports from Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu students, in which they describe their experiences and insights, which they made on their way as martial artists in different life situations.

Jerome Kleinert – Elder Brother

In general, I can recommend the school to anyone who is attracted to martial arts and what it entails. So, if you want to learn to deal with confrontations with yourself and others, to follow the natural flow and still have fun with the process, you will find a family…
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Manuel Meister – Elder Brother

I recommend the Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu school to all who want to learn a martial art where fighting is not the main focus. Zi Ran means natural self. As a student of this Kung Fu school I am mainly interested in finding and expressing my natural self….
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Lorenz Amstutz – Personal Report

Isn’t Zi Ran also exactly what we lack in our everyday life? In any case, what I have learned helps me there, too, when I can relax more because I have to defend an artificial self less. More moments of joy and peace are the result.
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Beat Amman – Elder Brother

Zi Ran is the natural self and comes up when superfluous thoughts and other distractions are fade out. The transition does not happen consciously and without an active action. It is a state in which everything arises intuitively in a meaningful way, all on its own.
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Jan Düblin – Elder Brother

The Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu school is an enrichment in my life. Through it I have found more vitality, peace, contentment and purpose in life. Thanks to it I am now on a path to more life awareness and back to my self. The positive effects manifest themselves…
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Martin Moor – Elder Brother

With Zi Ran Kung Fu you will realize your true nature beyond the mind. After building a solid base, movements intuitively work correctly.

I recommend this school to those who dare to learn to trust themselves and are interested in effective martial arts.
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