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The main goal of the school is to introduce and pass on the essence, effectiveness and grace of the martial art to all interested people as profoundly as possible. Our training is individual and natural in order to strengthen and develop personal skills, originality and creativity. Martial art is a demanding and highly developed art and has a history and culture that goes back many thousands of years. To learn it, regular training is essential. Personal dedication, motivation and commitment are essential components that make the training a success.

Martial arts as an art of life – training topics

  • Martial art for efficient self-defence, based on the five elements of nature and on simplicity, naturalness and spontaneity.
  • Traditional forms of movement and Kung Fu training to strengthen and harmonize body and mind.
  • Stretching exercises, endurance and strength training
  • Close Combat Training
  • Alternative medicine, astro- and quantum physics, mind and matter, mental-psychic training, sensitization and strengthening of perception.
  • Nature, ethics, culture, tradition and philosophy of martial arts.


The human body is permeated by consciousness. Consciousness has an intelligence that naturally controls all body functions. We train to enable the body to use the same intelligence to move properly. The body is the expression and manifestation of ourselves, but it is not our self. When we mistakenly identify our self with the body, we condition ourselves to a false self-image created by the mind.

The mind orders, structures and analyzes information and holds on to old memories. It judges, evaluates, compares and lets us recognize forms. We need these abilities to maintain the body. However, like the software of a computer, the mind cannot feel. And as long as the mind is too active at work, we are with our attention in the past and cannot experience the moment. The more the mind is working the more we are absent and start drifting back and forth in our thoughts. Through all the analysing, evaluating and judging we miss life. This makes us more and more like robots and we feel empty, lifeless and unhappy. And we become a victim of circumstances. To interrupt the overactivity of the mind we only need to feel what really inspires us in life and makes us happy and to follow this afterwards.

A thought is like a wave that rises from silence into our ceaseless flow of consciousness. In the beginning the thought always consists of pure, positive and creative energy and is evaluated, filtered and coloured by our acquired views, our beliefs and convictions.

When we perceive something we react with a positive or negative feeling. A belief is a conscious or unconscious repeated thought and the longer the thought is repeated, the stronger the belief becomes.

In martial arts we place a very high value on self-control and emotional balance. However, this is not done by suppressing emotions, but by clearing our consciousness and strengthening our ability to focus. In martial arts we mainly deal with the emotions fear and anger. From the perspective of ancient Chinese medicine this corresponds to the organs liver (element wood, anger) and kidneys (element water, fear). Well-functioning kidneys and liver are the basic requirements for health, vitality and a strong, well-functioning body.

If we change our point of view, everything changes in relation to it. If we see ourselves as pure consciousness, we are free in our thoughts and beyond all limited things. No matter how much we humans differ from each other, in our hearts we are all equal. Either we feel good or we feel bad.

Every person has an origin, a self, and is imbued with immeasurable intelligence. The natural self is the essence in every human being and is equally accessible to all. All we need to do to make it accessible is to allow this intelligence, not inhibit it, filter it out and block it with our beliefs and faith. If we believe in something, it means nothing else than our mind allows it.