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Shī Xiōng 師兄 elder brother

Responsible for equipment

Martial arts experience

~ 3 years karate (during childhood)

~ 3 years Kung Fu (Shaolin & Wing Tsun)

~ 4 years Tibetan Dragon Kung Fu

Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu school-Student since 2013

About the Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu School

In a river the water always flows naturally. The river does not have to think about how to make the water flow. It doesn’t have to know why the water is flowing and it doesn’t have to make an effort to make the water flow. As long as the river recognizes its true nature, its water will always flow effortlessly in a perfect way. In the Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu School we learn to become like a river and to interact with our environment in a natural way. The focus is not on a predetermined and trained reaction, but on a spontaneously developing action. A reaction forces us to assess the situation. After the situation has been assessed, it is important to act appropriately according to the assessment. In a combat situation through this assessment process valuable time is lost. Above all, however, we lose the spontaneity and freedom of our action, since we usually react to a situation in a way that is familiar to us. In the Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu school we learn to regard every situation as unique. This helps us not comparing and judging the moment we’re experiencing. Instead of reacting to a situation in a certain way, we try to surrender fully to the present moment and thus create an action spontaneously, without any prior thinking or adding a certain intention. When we learn forms or techniques, it is not about copying the movement of a martial arts master as closely as possible. Rather, we want to understand and internalize the principles behind the form or technique so that we can apply the principle to any movement.

My Recommendation

I recommend the Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu school to all who want to learn a martial art where fighting is not the main focus. Zi Ran means natural self. As a student of this Kung Fu school I am mainly interested in finding and expressing my natural self. At best I will never need this spontaneity in a fight. But the principle behind it is not only valuable for martial arts – it is like a bridge to the art of natural living. Whoever judges a situation is trapped in the past and cannot judge the situation holistically. Whoever thinks about the consequences of an action is already in the future with his attention and thus misses the moment in which the action takes place. The Zi Ran Wu Yi Kung Fu school is the right place for people that want to focus their attention on the present moment and which are keen in learning very deep principles of martial arts in a familiar and loving environment.

Own Philosophy and Goals

There is no coincidence, everything has its reasons. I believe the purpose of life is to return to one’s true nature, to one’s true self. You don’t have to do or achieve anything in particular to achieve that naturalness. On the contrary: the art lies precisely in doing nothing. Nothing in the sense of not doing anything unnatural. If one does nothing unnatural, what remains? The natural. When we recognize, let go and dissolve all the beliefs we have built up ourselves or taken over from trusted people, only the true self remains.